- Industry Sales Manager (m/f/d) (Dairy & Milk Testing)FOSS GmbH
- Brandschutzbeauftragter (w/d/m)MÜNCHENSTIFT GmbH
- Leiter Finanzen und Controlling der ADAC Service GmbH (w|m|d)ADAC Service GmbH
- IT Systems Engineer | Dev Ops (Netzwerk, IT-Sicherheit und Hosting)SCHRAML GmbH
- Ingenieur / Wirt.-Ing. / Techniker für Angebotserstellung (m/w/d)Multi Leiterplatten GmbH
- Sachbearbeitung (m/w/d) im Bereich PersonalwesenGemeinde Pullach
- Volontär (w|m|d) Content Creation im Bereich Video & Social MediaADAC e.V.
- Support HSEE Manager (w/m/d)TÜV SÜD AG
- (Senior) Java Developer (m/w/d) HMIKörber Pharma Inspection GmbH
- Facilitymanager (m/w/d)SAHLBERG GmbH
- Referent Krankenhausvertragsmanagement (m/w/d)BKK Landesverband Bayern
- Technischer Immobilienverwalter (m/w/d)Moll Immobilien Management GmbH
- Speditionskaufmann/-frau (m/w/d) mit Fokus auf Import, Export und ZollECOM Trading GmbH
- Buchhalter (m/w/d) in Voll- oder Teilzeit (mind. 30 Stunden/Woche)Tebis Technische Informationssysteme AG
- Hauswirtschaftsleitung (w/m/d) (Vollzeit/Teilzeit mind. 80 %)Krankenhaus für Naturheilweisen
- Lagermitarbeiter (m/w/d)MEA Group
- Kalkulator:in (m/w/d) technisches GebäudemanagementSTRABAG PROPERTY & FACILITY SERVICES GMBH
- Sales Representative Cardiac Rhythm Management (m/w/d) - Region SüdAbbott Medical GmbH
- Assistenzkraft (m/w/d) für das Staatliche GesundheitsamtLandratsamt Rosenheim
- Administrator/-in (m/w/d) Anpassungsprogrammierung DMS/XIMAStadt Rosenheim
- Instructional Designer (m/w/d)Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
- Teamleiter (w/m/d) Disposition und BelieferungHBW flower-concepts GmbH
- Rechtsanwaltsfachangestellte oder Teamassistenz (m/w/d) Arbeitsrecht / GesundheitsmanagementMD Bayern
- Immobilienkauffrau/-mann (m/w/d) für die AsylbewerberunterbringungLandratsamt Fürstenfeldbruck
- Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger (m/w/d) oder Medizinische Fachangestellte (m/w/d) für die Leitung des HerzkatheterlaborsIlmtalklinik GmbH
- Schweißfachkraft Manuelle Instandsetzung (all genders)MTU Aero Engines AG
- Ausbildung Informationselektroniker/in Fachrichtung Brandschutz- und Gefahrenmeldeanlagen (m/w/d)Kittel Alarm- und Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
- Quality Assurance Manager (m/w/d)bene-Arzneimittel GmbH
- Facilitymanager (m/w/d)SAHLBERG GmbH
- Sachbearbeiter Fund Administration (m/w/d)BayernInvest Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
- Referatsassistenz für das Referat 24 „WfbM und Förderstätten“Bezirk Oberbayern Personalreferat
- Kfz-Mechatroniker mit Schwerpunkt Nutzfahrzeuge (m/w/d)Autobus Oberbayern GmbH
- Verwaltungsfachangestellter (m/w/d) oder Verwaltungswirt (m/w/d) für den Bereich UnterhaltsvorschussLandratsamt Starnberg
- Ingenieur / Wirt.-Ing. / Techniker für Angebotserstellung (m/w/d)Multi Leiterplatten GmbH
- Assistenz / Sekretär (m/w/d) der VorstandsvorsitzendenSchwesternschaft München vom BRK e. V.
- Teamassistenz für das Referat „Hilfe zur Pflege“Bezirk Oberbayern Personalreferat
- Office Manager (m/w/d)Pro Personalmanagement GmbH
- Verkäufer (w/m/d) SanitärELEMENTS
- Verkäufer (w/m/d) SanitärELEMENTS
- Test Engineer Android (m/w/d) im Bereich SystemtestCCV GmbH
- Mitarbeiterin bzw. Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) für das Vorzimmer des LandratsLandratsamt Rosenheim
- Anlagenmechaniker SHK oder Heizungs- Sanitärinstallateur (m/w/d)Haustechnik ErBe GmbH
- Senior Expert*in IT Betrieb & Administration Schwerpunkt IT Sicherheit (w/m/d)ESG Elektroniksystem-und Logistik-GmbH
- Produktmanager / Bildredakteur (m/w/d) für den Bereich KunstkalenderKORSCH VERLAG GmbH & Co. KG
- Kommissionierer / Lagerfacharbeiter als Mitarbeiter (w/m/d) HydraulikschlauchlagerHANSA-FLEX AG
- Logistikmitarbeiter (w/m/d) im HydraulikschlauchlagerHANSA-FLEX AG
- Kaufmännischer Angestellter / Sachbearbeiter (m/w/d)AFA Solutions GmbH
- Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d)Pharmpur GmbH
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FOSS is the world's leading producer of innovative analytical instruments that monitor and control food quality. We provide solutions that improve customers' business by running a sustainable and profitable operation while helping deliver high quality products for consumers.
We live in a world with a fast-growing population and to meet the growing demand for food, the global food production will have to increase by 60 per cent by 2050. The world's population is becoming wealthier and the global middle class is growing, which creates new food demands. This means the food producers need to find smarter ways to make the best use of our valuable resources and to eliminate food waste. At FOSS, we have the know-how to help companies address these global trends and turn them into opportunities – in a way where sustainability and good business go hand in hand.
The family-owned company FOSS was founded in 1956 in Hillerød, Denmark and development and production takes place in Denmark, Hungary and China. FOSS products are marketed and sold through a global network of sales subsidiaries in 30 countries. FOSS employs around 1,500 highly qualified employees worldwide.
We are looking for an Industry Sales Manager (Dairy & Milk Testing) to join our sales- and service subsidiary in Germany.
The Industry Sales Manager (Dairy & Milk Testing) is responsible for the sale of Foss products in the specified market segment for Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Austria.
This position will support our customers to optimize and grow their business. Finding the right products and services that will enable him to develop his business requires technical, organizational and product know how. In addition, he/she provides input and participates in the marketing, market planning and technical development of products and services.
The Industry Sales Manager (Dairy & RMT) can work out of a home office. Travel required around 50% of the time. The Industry Sales Manager reports to Managing Director. There are no direct reports to this position.
The ideal candidate comes with
- A minimum of 5 years' experience in a sales role in a business-to-business sales environment
- A strong track record of meeting/exceeding sales revenue projections in capital equipment sales; experience in driving revenue in technical products/instruments strongly preferred
- Experience in cross-selling and Value Based Selling (benefits and profit enhancement proposition) rather than selling price alone preferred
- Excellent Computer skills desired for customer relationship management software, proposals and presentations including, CRM i.e. Salesforce, Microsoft Office suite applications such as PowerPoint and Excel are required
We imagine your educational background to be a bachelor's degree in Food Processing (agriculture, dairy), Engineering or other related fields.
Major Position Accountabilities:
You job is to sell instrumentation to food producing, food processing, agricultural accounts and milk testing laboratories defined by FOSS Market Segments.
This includes to:
- be responsible for overall sales performance in territory that is met in manner that maximizes customer satisfaction and is within sales budget for that region
- Create sales strategies for each account including Key Accounts and national Accounts
- Create and manage territory plan including measurable goals and timetable for actions
- Maintain accurate records with respect to prospects, pre-implementation planning/proposal preparation, sales calls, quotations, pricing, etc., using CRM system
Furthermore we expect you to
- Provide input to marketing/sales with respect to competition and competitive pricing including products, applications, new product development etc.
- Participate in trade shows
We are looking for an experienced candidate who comes with excellent sales skills from a B2B role
If you can recognize following characteristics, you might be the one we are looking for:
- Action oriented with a proven ability to achieve results
- Strong customer focus with ability to effectively interact with current and prospective customers to close sales or provide customer care
- High degree of integrity and professionalism
- Ability to work with a variety of personalities and styles
- Strong relationship building skills both internally and externally
- Experience as a self-starter and multi-tasker, self-motivated, with a capacity to perform in a fast paced environment
- Effective written and verbal communication skills in German and English, including presentation skills
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